London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of London

MSc Clinical Trials by Distance Learning

CT104 Reviewing and Reporting Clinical Trials

RR11 Synthesis in Systematic Reviews

Interpreting the Results of a Meta-Analysis Including Forest Plots

We first came across forest plots in Session RR10: "Systematic Reviews and Selection Bias". Let's see what you remember about them.

Click the link below to open the DisCenso forest plot in a new window. Keep the window open or refer to the copy from your Reader as you'll need it on the next page Below is the DiCenso forest plot. You will need to refer to it for the exercise that follows.

DiCenso, A et al. 2002 forest plot

Figure 9: Effects of interventions on whether adolescents started to have sexual intercourse (from DiCenso, A. et al. 2002)

Figure 9: Effects of interventions on whether adolescents started to have sexual intercourse (from DiCenso, A. et al. 2002)

Click next to continue.

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